Well, it's hard to believe that this time 2 years ago I was STILL in labor and delivery - probably between 9 to 10 centimeters for what seemed like several, long hours (yes, during both of my labors my body decided to take a "pause" between 9 and 9.5 cm for hours - inevitably delaying my arrival at the euphoric 10 cm when I finally got to push the baby out). Despite the immense pain Colby put me through during labor and delivery, the wonderful thing about giving birth is that you are still willing to do it all over again no matter how bad the pain gets. Either that or I'm just crazy - because I'm obviously willing to go through this again (baby #3 is due in October). It would be really nice if I thought my next baby would be kind to me and come easily and on time... but chances are not in my favor for that, considering the last two.
Anyway, onto more important things: Happy Birthday, Colby! The past 2 years have filled me with so much joy and happiness. I love your spirit of adventure and your cautious curiosity towards trying anything that interests you. You are always happy! You love life! Very few things make you fuss or cry. You make everyone who knows you smile - and people actually beg me to babysit you or keep you in the church nursery. Now that is every mother's dream!
At 2 years old, here is what excites you:
You love balls - any size, color or type. You love sports of any kind: basketball, baseball, lacrosse, football, soccer, tennis, golf, biking, etc. If it involves hitting or throwing a ball, then it will be a big hit with you too. You also love your scooter and ride it every day - several times if I'll let you. I can see that there is a little "rule follower" in you though - you always remember to wear your helmet and remind others to wear theirs as well. You are a champ at gymnastics and your coach cannot believe how strong you are in your upper body and core strength. You also have great balance too. Swimming is not your best sport - you love the water but don't like to be on your own in it. (Daddy will work on that with you this summer.) Speaking of Daddy, you love riding on the handlebars of his bike and ask to do it all the time. Just the sight of a bike makes you ask for him. And I can tell how much it saddens you that your legs are not long enough to reach the pedals of Paisley's bike... one day you will reach, little man, and it will be that day, I'm afraid, that will sadden me. You are growing up too quick!
You are a people pleaser. You want to make others happy. Of course, you're only 2... but I see in you a little bit of my uncle Jim. Everyone loves Jim and always has - he always had many friends and was fun to be around. I think you may take after him in that. We'll see... you certainly are an easy child to love and discipline (unless the terrible two's proves me wrong on this point). So far you have been, at least! And you are a quick learner too - you know most of your colors and I can tell you listen to me and Daddy as we teach Paisley so you probably know a lot more than we even realize at this point. You love books - and never hesitate to ask for "more, more" each night before you go to bed. It's hard for me to say no because I know how good they are for you and how much you love them so.
Lastly, you are a big fan of trucks, airplanes, and trains. It helps that we have a train track behind our house and two airports nearby so you get your fill regularly. You love animals too - but for some reason you are afraid of dogs (not our chocolate lab, Ranger, but every other dog seems to fill you with fear). I hope you grow out of that - because your mama loves animals too.
I tell you all of this because I want you to be able to look back one day and know what was important to you at this age. I wish there were enough words to express the joy that having you has given me. I never knew how much I could love my second child, but there really IS enough love in the world for more than one. You are a special little boy - and I'm so glad you're mine. God has richly blessed me with my beautiful children and you, my son, are a true gift from heaven. If this baby I'm carrying is another boy I'll be so happy for you that you have a brother. I know you'll be so good to him and show him the ropes. But if this baby is a girl, I'll be happy too... because that means you'll be my only little boy and you will always be special to me for that reason (and many more!).
I love you, Colby Reese!