1) When you ask her how old she is now, she'll hold up 4 fingers and say "four". After a short pause, she'll hold up all 5 fingers and say "And next year, I'll be a whole hand."
2) My mom (Nana) was telling her a story the other day and Paisley said she wanted the plot to be about them swimming together. Nana said "Paisley we haven't been swimming together very much - I don't have any stories about that" to which Paisley replied "Silly Nana, stories don't have to be real. Don't you know that?"
3) Some friends of ours were visiting us the other day and she was holding her doll, Allison, while talking to them. My friend, Bethany, inquired about Allison.
Is she Paisley's best friend? "Yes, she is." Paisley replied.
Would she be eating lunch with us? "Yes" again.
Would she be going swimming with us after lunch? Another "yes".
And lastly, does she wear sunscreen too? To which Paisley very plainly stated, "No, she doesn't wear sunscreen - she's not real, she's just a doll."
(Duh, Mrs. Bethany - couldn't you tell? haha)
4) Paisley has a skirt that she got for her birthday and she likes to wear it as a strapless dress (see picture below). I keep telling her it's a skirt, but she doesn't seem to care. Today, she put it on and I informed her again that it was a skirt - not a strapless dress. (Might I also add here that it falls down all of the time because she doesn't have the "chest" to hold it up.) Anyway, as I was pointing out to her that it was really a skirt and she shouldn't wear it the way she was wearing it because it didn't fit her - she said, but Mrs. Megan wears it this way. My friend Megan lives near us, but I was racking my brain to remember when she has seen her wear a strapless dress. I feel like it's been weeks and weeks ago. I asked her if she was sure and she said yes... she wears one that goes to her toes and it has a bow on the front just like mine. Suddenly, I remembered that Megan does have a strapless dress that is floor-length that she occasionally wears. I was musing over how good Paisley's memory was when she asked me... "How does Mrs. Megan keep her skirt up? How does she keep it from falling down like mine does?" Hmmm... perhaps that's another discussion for another day.