Okay so I'm seriously missing my blog. It's not that I don't have time (although that can be a challenge with 3 kids) - it's that I never seem to find the inspiration or right topic to get me started. I am hoping it's just a case of writer's block and I'll be through it soon. My problem is that I'm a perfectionist and every time I sit down to write, I want to write really well... you know, from my heart... the kind of writing that is meaningful and inspiring. That is my goal (how lofty and egotistical of me!!). However, it is hard to think those kinds of thoughts and string together words so that the story or message I'm relaying is meaningful when there are kids screaming at each other, pounding on the door, making the baby cry (accidentally of course), whining about something, breaking things, asking for my help, or telling on each other, etc. You get the picture, right? Talk about some serious writer's block!! I will start a post and then set it aside for that moment when inspiration will hit me to finish it... and alas, it never happens. So... I have about 20 half-finished (half you-know-what) blogs. My goal is to finish them and get back on track. I will focus on this over the next week or so.
I hope you can hold me accountable for this. (IF I even have any blog readers anymore... stay on my case).
Another mohs surgery
2 weeks ago