Colby, it's your 3rd birthday. One year later, and you are still the most adorable little guy I know. You still have such a great personality - you're fun, adventurous, mischievous (in a good way), inquisitive, and ALL boy. You love life and get excited about almost everything (except certain things... like eating vegetables).
Here are some of your favorites:
- Riding your bike - you can do all kinds of tricks like stand up on the middle bar of the bike, go over your bike ramp, go over the curb, put both feet on the side of the bike while riding and run and jump onto your bike to get started. It is very impressive.
- Swimming - you are still a little fish in the water. I know you are going to be all over the pool this summer probably learning new strokes and dives.
- Building things - you love to build train tracks, legos, towers, you name it!
- Sports, sports and more sports - pick one and you'll be happy to play it. Soccer - yes! Lacross - yes! Basketball - yes! Baseball - yes! Football - yes! If it involves a ball and you can play it, you're in anytime someone asks.
- Games and puzzles - you love to play games and work on puzzles. You are pretty decent at it too.
- You are really happy 90% of the time. You love to do most anything and are willing to try new things. (Especially if you're Daddy encourages you to!)
- You are cuddly and loving. You still like your pacifier and blankie to comfort you. And you love to be held. I particularly love to read books and sing to you while you are in my arms.
- You know your shapes, colors and how to spell your name. I think you'll do well in school.
- You prefer to play with older kids... I think they can do more and that challenges and excites you.
- And you don't like to be alone - you definitely like to be around people.
- You are the pickiest eater I know!! Very difficult to get you to try new things.
- You have a big heart and an even bigger smile!
You are just a cool kid. And I'm so glad you're mine!!
I love you! Happy 3rd birthday, Colby.
Love, Mama