Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Paisley's 1st Day of Preschool

Paisley went to her first day of preschool today. She was excited and looked so cute. Her backpack was almost as big as she was. Here are a few pics to highlight the day.

Why do I blog?

I have always wanted to keep a journal. In fact, I have from time to time. It's the consistency thing that always gets in my way. This is how it usually goes: I feel the urge to start journaling again. I hit the bookstore. I buy a journal - a really pretty one (as if that makes a difference) with wide-ruled lines (I prefer those to college-ruled)... one that, as I browse the shelves at the bookstore, seems to call out to me "You'll use me. Really, you will. This time you'll stick with it!" Once the decision has been made, I go home and journal like crazy for two weeks until life gets in the way and I put it aside. Time and a lack of topics to write about usually give me major writer's block and eventually my journal ends up on a shelf somewhere never to be touched again. That explains the rows and rows of barely used journals I have in my bookshelf. It's sad really. Not only is it a waste of money to buy all these journals and never complete them... but it will be a difficult read for anyone who might care 100 years from now as they siphon through partially filled journals that have no particular order, sequence or topic.

Then one day, my friend Leigh Ann introduced me to blogging. I have been slightly more consistent with my blog than I ever was with my paper journals before. Both mediums share similar obstacles: time and topics. However, I have found that it's easier for me to keep up with an electronic journal because I'm on the computer so much throughout the day and I type faster than I write. A few friends and relatives have asked me: why do you blog? What's in it for you? What's in it for us? Good questions really. I appreciate the honesty and after much thought, I have come up with a few reasons why I love this so much.

1) I have always dreamed of being a writer - not necessarily a published writer (although I DO want to write a children's book one day) - but just someone who can write eloquently. Someone whose thoughts inspire others. Someone who can use words to evoke emotions out of those who read her works. This is a way for me to fine tune my writing skills while having fun sharing my thoughts, my experiences and my life with those who choose to read it. (I know, I know - I have a long way to go on the fine-tuning!)

2) As a way of saying thanks to all of the wonderful people in my life who inspire me to live life to the fullest, look beyond the surface, experience life beyond the obvious, and lovingly share their love, friendship and wisdom with me.

3) To update friends and family on the happenings of the Shoch clan - in particular, the Shoch tots... who are all everyone REALLY cares about anyway. (Our parents don't even call to talk to us anymore... just the grandkids.)

4) In my quest to go deeper. If you want to discover greatness, you have to dig deeper than the surface. It takes asking questions and being willing to hear the answers, all the while evaluating what you believe at your core... to discover true greatness. So... there are times I may ask deep questions in my blog. I welcome your thoughts and your comments in this process. We may see eye-to-eye, or we may disagree. Regardless, my hope is that in the end of it all you will better understand me... (and vice versa).

5) To remind myself every day (or week) of the things for which I am most grateful. There are so, so many!! Writing them down seems to keep my priorities in line.

Now it's my turn to ask you: why are you reading this?
(I welcome your comments below)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Uncle Boyd!

Uncle Boyd - this is for you! We love you so much! Love, Paisley and Colby (Click the play button below to view)

Monday, August 11, 2008

So, that's how it works!

Cute story to share:
Paisley's preschool held family day to start the school year off today. Part of the event was held in the school's brand new auditorium, where Paisley informed me she needed to go to the bathroom. I put her on the potty, she peed and then she stood up. Well, being that the building is so new, the toilet's have automatic flush... and as toilets like that will do, the toilet flushed after she got off and it was REALLY loud (much more so when you're down on her level, which I can attest to since I was helping her pull up her pants at the time). She was startled and immediately informed me that it scared her. I told her that it was an automatic toilet and it had a sensor that knows when you sit down, then you go and when you stand up it senses that too and it flushes. She nodded her head as if she understood what I was telling her. Next, I went to the bathroom. Of course, it flushed again after me and once again she was startled but nothing was said. At this point, at least 5 minutes had passed since my explanation of the whole process and as we finished washing our hands a little girl came in the door.

The following is their conversation:
Paisley: Do you have to go potty?
Little girl: Yes, I do.
Paisley: Ok, you sit on the potty...
you go pee-pee...
you get up...
and it scares you!
(The funniest part is that she said it so matter of fact.)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Don't forget your sunSCREAM!

Didn't someone once say that kids say the darnedest things? I'm sure that same person probably said that kids DO the darnedest things too. I can definitely attest to that. Paisley calls sunscreen "sunSCREAM". It's really cute and although Curtis and I know we should correct her on it, we just can't bring ourselves to do so. Which brings me to my story... last night I find Paisley with an open container of vaseline - lathering down her baby doll (and when I say "lathering", it is probably an understatement). She must have covered her baby doll with a 1/4 inch think layer of vaseline from head to toe. Let's just say the baby won't ever have dry, cracked skin as long as she exists. Meanwhile, in this whole process, Paisley has gotten vaseline all over herself as well (her arms were completely covered from her hands up to her elbows)... not to mention some on the furniture (that's fun to get out!). I couldn't really get upset with her when she informed me that she was "making sure baby doll had her sunSCREAM on so she could go outside". What can you say to that? I guess we have definitely gotten the point across that it's important to always wear sunscreen. The real irony was that when I saw that vaseline was on my couch, I really did want to SCREAM... but I just gritted my teeth and laughed instead.

Kids do the darnedest things!

(I included some pictures of Colby and Paisley at the pool recently. No correlation to the story - just wanted to include them.)

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Welcome Samuel Mack McGowan!

My nephew, Samuel Mack McGowan, finally decided to make his grand (and graceful) entrance into the world this evening - and we are so excited that he is finally here! I couldn't wait to get my hands on him and tell him how much I'm going to spoil him rotten so we rushed over to the hospital as soon as we were able. We are so blessed that Paisley and Colby are so close in age to their two cousins, Omie and Sam. What a blessing to be able to grow up so close to their family. I know they are going to love each other and be the best of pals. I can already imagine the mischief Colby and Sam are going to get into (if they are anything like Curtis and Tracy). I put together a little video of some pictures I took at the hospital. This video is dedicated to our sweet little Sam (and all who love him so!) We love you very much, little man! (To see the video, click the play button on the screen below.)