Saturday, August 9, 2008

Don't forget your sunSCREAM!

Didn't someone once say that kids say the darnedest things? I'm sure that same person probably said that kids DO the darnedest things too. I can definitely attest to that. Paisley calls sunscreen "sunSCREAM". It's really cute and although Curtis and I know we should correct her on it, we just can't bring ourselves to do so. Which brings me to my story... last night I find Paisley with an open container of vaseline - lathering down her baby doll (and when I say "lathering", it is probably an understatement). She must have covered her baby doll with a 1/4 inch think layer of vaseline from head to toe. Let's just say the baby won't ever have dry, cracked skin as long as she exists. Meanwhile, in this whole process, Paisley has gotten vaseline all over herself as well (her arms were completely covered from her hands up to her elbows)... not to mention some on the furniture (that's fun to get out!). I couldn't really get upset with her when she informed me that she was "making sure baby doll had her sunSCREAM on so she could go outside". What can you say to that? I guess we have definitely gotten the point across that it's important to always wear sunscreen. The real irony was that when I saw that vaseline was on my couch, I really did want to SCREAM... but I just gritted my teeth and laughed instead.

Kids do the darnedest things!

(I included some pictures of Colby and Paisley at the pool recently. No correlation to the story - just wanted to include them.)

1 comment:

Shannon said...

so hilarious - Carter says "sunscreaM" the exact same way!!