Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Can anything be organic?

I am constantly amazed at the wide range of things that can be classified as "organic". Sure I understand how food items and cleaning supplies are organic. But there are other things that claim to be organic that just do not make much sense to me. Generally, someone who is searching for organic is looking for the healthier option, right? Webster's defines organic as "not using, or grown without, artificial fertilizers or pesticides" Therefore, given that definition... a few oddballs that stand out to me are organic mattresses, organic manure, and, in my opinion, the worst offender of all: organic cigarettes. Seriously?? Are you kidding me here? As if anything about smoking a cigarette is healthy for you in the first place - so why would someone care about organic vs. non in this instance? My friend, Stephanie, found this ad in a magazine and as soon as I heard about it, I was fascinated. The ironic thing is that even if they are hoping to dupe you into thinking that this is a healthier alternative when smoking, they are still required by law to post the following warning on their packaging. I personally would love to talk to the idiot who actually wastes their money on such a hoax. (Newsflash: If it's healthy you seek - quit smoking!!!)

1 comment:

Steph said...

People will buy ANYTHING! I love the warning label. Duh!

Fairly new to your blog...I've been lurking :)

Be blessed today!