Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Blessings

It's Thanksgiving day and a perfect chance to reflect on all of the wonderful things I have to be grateful for in my life - primarily Colby, Paisley and Curtis! The other day, Paisley looked over at Colby and said "I love you, Colby!" with a passion that would warm anyone's heart! It just makes me smile to think about it. She's so full of emotions these days - as your typical 2 year old girl will be - and everything she says is a superlative. "That's amazing!" "Whoa, I can't believe it!" "UMMM, this is delicious!" Wouldn't it be great if we could all live our lives with such zeal.

Here are 5 things I'm particularly thankful for today:
1) Family. I love seeing my children interact with their grandparents, aunts and uncles and other loved ones. It's nice to be able to spend the holidays with those we love.
2) My granddad. I am grateful for my granddad who is almost 90 years old. I am blessed that he's lived this long and that he still has all of his wits about him. And I feel especially blessed that he was able to baptize both of my children.
3) Our anniversary. Today is mine and Curtis' 4 year wedding anniversary. We feel blessed that we have achieved such a milestone and look forward to many more years together. I can honestly say I love him more and more each year!!
4) Seeing the world through the eyes of a child. Watching the Macy's Day parade this AM with a 2 year old gave me such a new appreciation for the event. She got sooo excited to see the bands, floats and balloons. It's so nice to see things through the eyes of a child.
5) Turkey and other thanksgiving goodies. I think that Thanksgiving is my favorite meal. I feel stuffed and happy right now.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Blessings for the day!

Hey everyone!!! I am back up and blogging!!! YEAH! It's been a long, hard road (Google and our computer are not getting along these days and we can't figure out why? Probably spyware or something) but I am finally able to blog again. I hope you didn't forget about me. :-)

Here are my blessings that I want to say thank you for today:
1) I'm able to blog again. Who knew I'd become so addicted to writing my thoughts on the computer for anyone and everyone to see??
2) Sonny Perdue is our Governor! He organized and hosted a prayer service outside the state capital yesterday to pray for rain to relieve Georgia (and the southeast) of this draught we are in. What a wonderful idea - let's ask God to help us in our time of need!! I love this man and this is just one reason why! He's getting criticism for this (imagine that) and protestors even came out to show their dislike of the partnership of church and state in this quest. I guess they don't care if we run out of drinking water in GA... just so long as our children don't pray in school, there is no mention of God on our currency and we remove the Ten Commandments from our court houses. Well, I hate to let them know, but they can strip God from our courthouses, but they cannot strip him from our hearts. He can and will always help us in our time of need. In fact, as I write this it is pouring down rain outside my window (just 24 hours after our prayer service - hmmm... coincidence?). Thank you, God, for hearing our prayers. Thank you, Sonny, for standing behind your faith despite the opposition.
3) My good health. I have been extremely ill these past 3 days, all the while trying to take care of my 2 year old and 6 month old alone and I can honestly say that it has been one of the toughest weeks of my life to date. However, thanks to my good friend, Kristin, and her herbal remedy... along with some anti-biotics from the Doctor... I am much better today. If I didn't before, I definitely appreciate my good health!!
4) Great shoes (on sale). Ladies, do I really need to elaborate here? I think not!
5) Laughter. I got the greatest email today and it made me laugh and laugh. So I sent it to a bunch of my friends who hopefully got the same joy from it that I did! Laughter is good.