Friday, October 31, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Atlanta Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk - Oct. 24-26th

Well... I did it! Friday the 24th we walked in 40 degree temperatures with cold wind and rain (it was miserable to tell you the truth), but I walked every mile of the Atlanta Breast Cancer 3-Day walk, I feel like I have a greater awareness of what really matters on this earth and I hope I am a better person because of it. Our team raised over $40,000 (not bad for 12 of us) and as a whole, Susan G. Koman raised $8.3 million from the Atlanta event. There were 3700 walkers, and countless crew and volunteers... all of whom made this weekend special beyond compare. I feel blessed to have shared it with some wonderful girlfriends!! Even saw a few faces from my past and made some new friends along the way! A BIG shout-out to my team - "Team Pink-A-Licious" - Kelli Barber, Joli Burt, Hope Cushen, Candace Crosby, Kristin Santa Maria, Stacy Benz, Yvette Wolfrom, Dena Colburn, Stephanie Woell and Charmaine Lindstrom. (Judith - we missed you!!). You girls rock!! And as always, my walk was dedicated to my grandmother (a victim of breast cancer), my mom (with the hope that she never has to battle it), my daughter (so that she will one day read about breast cancer in the history books), and my 2 friends - Lea Ann Barnes and Teresa Howard (both survivors of breast cancer). These ladies were my inspiration over those long, cold miles!! Thank you to everyone who loved and supported me on this journey. Words cannot express my gratitude!

I put together a little video of my pictures from the weekend in an attempt to give you a taste of what it was like for us. It is a little over 6 minutes long, but I think it goes pretty quick. Enjoy it when you have the time! (Just click on the play button below the screen to see it.)

Monday, October 27, 2008

My daughter, the weatherman (er... woman)!

The other day, my mom was in town visiting. First thing in the morning, she was playing with Paisley in our playroom. Paisley opened the shutters, looked outside and declared "Nana, it's going to be wet today!" My mom looked outside and asked Paisley why she thought that. (All the while noticing that there were black clouds in the sky and it did appear that it might rain). Paisley said, "See those black clouds - that means it's going to be wet."

Crazy thing is... it really did rain!
Who knew my daughter could predict the weather?
Al Roker, watch out!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Random things you may not know about me... and may not care!

1. Fall is my favorite season
2. I am a HUGE college football fan - and before kids, I used to watch it from 10 am to midnight on Saturdays in the fall
3. I read my magazines from the back to the front
4. I brush my teeth with warm water
5. I microwave my ice cream for a few seconds before I eat it
6. I can't stand to get my socks wet
7. I get teary eyed sometimes at the hymns in church
8. I have a ritual to how I eat my banana
9. I love photography
10. I have a celebrity crush on Harry Connick, Jr. and Lance Armstrong
11. I hate sales people bothering me while I shop
12. I have been known more than once to finish off a whole box of Girl Scout "Thin Mint" cookies in one setting
13. Crooked pictures on the wall drive me crazy
14. I have to read for at least a few seconds every night before I go to bed
15. Flip-flops are my shoe of choice
16. I hate to finish a good novel
17. I love the Olympics
18. I can't stand for any dirt to get on my sheets (so I'll wash my feet or put socks on before I go to bed)
19. I am double jointed in my shoulders
20. I love to sleep with the fan on

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Ok... so I wasn't really back!

In my last post on Oct. 2nd, I said I was back. And the scary part is that I actually meant it... I just couldn't sustain it. Life is crazy sometimes and this fall has definitely been crammed full of stuff for all of us. Anyway, please forgive my time away from blogging. I really do love it and plan to do it as regularly as I can. It just seems to be at the bottom of my priority list most days. And sometimes my brain just doesn't work at 1 am. :-) But thanks for checking in occasionally and I hope to get an entry of interest here and there for you to read.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm back!

Well, it's been a while since my last blog. I have such good intentions, but somehow life always gets in the way. After being gone to Las Vegas for a week in September (to debut the bizzyBee), then off to the beach in FL with the kids for the following week, plus spending a long Labor Day weekend on the Chesapeake Bay as a family... and having a few crazy moments (i.e. our dog in the emergency room for 10 long, scary days)... I hope most of my distractions are in the past for a while and I will be more focused at blogging from now on.

I want to say first and foremost... I LOVE SARAH PALIN!! She speaks to me on so many levels - she is a mom, she is willing to stand up and make this world better for her kids (and for all of our kids), she is REAL (and not some seasoned politician that can't take a stand on anything for fear of losing his job in an election year), and she is fun to watch (especially when she is in her natural element). I just love her and I think she has electrified the republican party in such a strong way!

Go Sarah Go!