Saturday, July 25, 2009

From the mouths of babes!

Just a few fun things Paisley has said recently:

1) When you ask her how old she is now, she'll hold up 4 fingers and say "four". After a short pause, she'll hold up all 5 fingers and say "And next year, I'll be a whole hand."

2) My mom (Nana) was telling her a story the other day and Paisley said she wanted the plot to be about them swimming together. Nana said "Paisley we haven't been swimming together very much - I don't have any stories about that" to which Paisley replied "Silly Nana, stories don't have to be real. Don't you know that?"

3) Some friends of ours were visiting us the other day and she was holding her doll, Allison, while talking to them. My friend, Bethany, inquired about Allison.
Is she Paisley's best friend? "Yes, she is." Paisley replied.
Would she be eating lunch with us? "Yes" again.
Would she be going swimming with us after lunch? Another "yes".
And lastly, does she wear sunscreen too? To which Paisley very plainly stated, "No, she doesn't wear sunscreen - she's not real, she's just a doll."
(Duh, Mrs. Bethany - couldn't you tell? haha)

4) Paisley has a skirt that she got for her birthday and she likes to wear it as a strapless dress (see picture below). I keep telling her it's a skirt, but she doesn't seem to care. Today, she put it on and I informed her again that it was a skirt - not a strapless dress. (Might I also add here that it falls down all of the time because she doesn't have the "chest" to hold it up.) Anyway, as I was pointing out to her that it was really a skirt and she shouldn't wear it the way she was wearing it because it didn't fit her - she said, but Mrs. Megan wears it this way. My friend Megan lives near us, but I was racking my brain to remember when she has seen her wear a strapless dress. I feel like it's been weeks and weeks ago. I asked her if she was sure and she said yes... she wears one that goes to her toes and it has a bow on the front just like mine. Suddenly, I remembered that Megan does have a strapless dress that is floor-length that she occasionally wears. I was musing over how good Paisley's memory was when she asked me... "How does Mrs. Megan keep her skirt up? How does she keep it from falling down like mine does?" Hmmm... perhaps that's another discussion for another day.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Update on the baby

Well, we had our follow-up ultrasound this morning and we want to thank everyone for their prayers and support along the past 8 weeks. We are praising God right now because all 4 of her cysts have disappeared and she was measuring the correct weight and size for her due date. Also, there did NOT appear to be any abnormalities at all - so as far as we know she is perfectly healthy!! SUCH wonderful news!! We cannot thank you enough for all of your prayers over both our anxiety and her health. We are so excited to know that she has finally been given a clean bill of health (of course, the Dr. reminded me that there are no guarantees but we feel secure with it now). I no longer need to see the high risk Doctor assuming all continues to go well. Yeah! I feel such a huge relief off my shoulders now. And every kick inside of me feels so much better than even yesterday's did.

On a side note, while we were there we did ask them to confirm that she is indeed a girl and they said that they are 99.99% sure she is - so it looks like Paisley and Colby will definitely have a baby sister.

Guess that's all I have to update today.
Have a blessed day!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Freedom is bittersweet

Today, the kids went to visit my parents for 5 days. As liberating as it is to have some time to myself, I still found myself overcome with sadness as I watched them drive away. I'm so used to having them around every day that I don't really know what to do with myself... at least when it comes to days of unlimited free time.

At 28 weeks pregnant, I am feeling the "nesting" urge a little bit so I imagine I'll be knocking out some projects I've been dying to do and hopefully get some exercise in as well. But, as I write this, it still feels like the house is too quiet and peaceful right now, almost eerie in a way. I guess the chaos really does grow on you after a while.

No sense procrastinating... as much as I love blogging, I should go get started on some of my home projects. No time like the present, and besides... before I know it, they will be back here destroying the (currently clean) playroom, wanting me to hold them both as I try to make dinner, demanding my attention while I'm on the phone or computer, and fighting over who gets the blue popsicle.

Ah, life is good!

Lance Armstrong - watch out!

This morning, Curtis took Paisley to get a new bike. She has outgrown her "beginner's bike" and Colby is now riding it (yes, complete with pink and purple paint, a girly basket, a princess bell and some pom-pom fringe on the handlebars!). Don't worry, he'll get a more masculine bike one of these days!

As much as I had hoped she pick another girly one - I could not have been more wrong. Curtis, on the other hand, hoped for a cute red bike... which would have been better than the one she chose, but no, Paisley had her own ideas (surprise, surprise). She decided that she wanted an orange bike that looks like it's meant for mountain trails and dirt biking - not taking your Itty Bitty Twin dolls for a leisurely afternoon ride up and down the street. As much of a TN Vols fan as I am - even the orange paint bothered me. It just looks like a little boys bike - there is nothing feminine about it. But hey, it is her bike and that's the one she chose. What's important is that she's happy and willing to move to a bike with no training wheels - this is a big day in our family.

The most exciting thing is that she actually came home and rode it without training wheels all by herself - several times. It was truly a momentous occasion in our household. Even some of the neighbors came out to cheer her on! Sure, she was tipsy at times and Curtis ran beside her like a good dad to catch her if she fell... but she did it. She balanced on two wheels all by herself. I was so proud of her - she did really great. With a little practice, I imagine she won't even need Curtis along side for backup much longer.

Great job, Paisley!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Gratitude Wednesday

Tonight, as I prepare to lay my head down to sleep, I am so grateful to God for the following 5 things:

1. Cousins - my brother and I were the oldest of all of my cousins by quite a few years, and we lived a good distance away from them as well... so I never knew the luxury of growing up with cousins to play with all of the time and share adventures, stories and friends, etc. like many children get to experience. Well, earlier tonight I sat back at the pool and smiled as I watched my children play with their cousins who live only a few miles away and are literally 1 year apart in age. I feel sure that they will grow up loving each other, going to concerts, having sleepovers, sharing friends, going on family vacations together, learning from one another, and yes, probably even getting into trouble. I thank God that they will get to have those experiences. What a blessing to be so close in age and only a few miles away.

2. Baby kicks - this baby girl inside of me kicks up a storm. I can't say for sure if she is my most active (Colby was quite a kicker in the womb too) but she is definitely in the running. Maybe it's because she's running out of room, but I feel like she does somersaults in my belly all day long! Whew - she may not be tired, but it exhausts me just thinking about it. She actually kicked me so hard last night that the remote control sitting on my belly popped up in the air and fell to the ground. Still, it is reassuring to feel her so much and be reminded that she's always with me!

3. Beautiful morning walks - I get an hour each morning to myself to take a walk and it's been so beautiful outside. It hasn't been too hot and I've really enjoyed my unusually pleasant July morning walks (normally, July in Atlanta is sweltering even by 8 am).

4. Peaches & Cherries - It's that time of year (and it only comes for a few months) where peaches and cherries are at their best. I'm sure my grocery bag boy thinks I'm nuts when he sees the amount of each that I buy each week... but I have to enjoy them while I can! I think I ate 8 peaches and a whole bag of cherries for snack today - that might be a little overkill, but it's healthier than chips, right?

5. My kids & bedtime - I should knock on some wood as I type this, but I feel so blessed that my kids go to bed every night with no fuss. I hear stories of kids who come out of their rooms a million times asking for water, stuffed animals, whatever they can think of, etc. and tonight after I put them both down and it was quiet almost immediately, I thought how lucky I am that they don't do that. They truly go to bed almost immediately and with no problem every night. I don't know if we did something right or if we are just blessed... but for now, I will just enjoy it and hope it stays this way.

Sleep tight everyone and be sure to thank God for at least 5 of your many blessings before you do!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Birthday to Us!

Our family got a new toy in honor of my birthday! Lots of people in our neighborhood have golf carts for going to the pool, tennis courts, dinner at a neighbor's house, etc. It's so fun! Anyway, above is a picture of ours - the kids and I loaded up for the pool as soon as it arrived.

Also this week, we had a low-key family celebration for Paisley's birthday with the ceremonial cupcake in blue icing (her favorite color). Her party is this upcoming weekend so we'll do it bigger then. Besides, she thinks the golf cart is her gift too! :-)

Happy Birthday to us!

Good lab results!

I went to the doctor yesterday (just my regular prenatal check-up). It was time for my glucose screening test to make sure I don't have gestational diabetes. The nurse just called and all of my results were normal - no diabetes and no anemia. That's good news. I can't imagine having to be on a sugar-free diet while pregnant - that seems so cruel! 

My next appointment is July 24th. I will see both of my doctors that day - the perinatologist will do a follow-up ultrasound to monitor the cysts that the baby has on her brain (and hopefully they will have disappeared or reduced in number), and afterwards my regular OB will do my normal prenatal check-up and discuss my results. 

Then I will start going every 2 weeks for a check-up until 36 weeks when I'll go once a week. Not sure how often I'll continue to see the perinatologist, but I'll know more after the 24th. Between the kids dental/ doctor/ etc. appointments and mine, it feels like I might be living in the doctor's office for the next few months. (sigh)

Third trimester - here I come!

Fun on the Fourth

We had a great Fourth of July! Paisley was in her first parade - they were the Mighty Martians. Daddy went along for moral support.

Colby was too young to be in the clubs so he wasn't able to participate but he loved watching everything from Nana's lap.

Hope your fourth was delightful too!