Friday, June 26, 2009

All Things American

With the 4th of July approaching, I can't help but be excited! I love all things related to this patriotic holiday! As a child, I welcomed the fourth of July most summers at my granddad's cabin in the mountains in NC. This small community has celebrated this day in good ol' homespun fun for years. The morning begins at 7 am with a community 5k. This is followed by a rinky dink parade that is loads of fun for the kids (most of the parade participants are retired senior citizen residents and their families, children and counselors that are there for the summer camp program, the local veterans association, the Presbyterian bagpipe association, random walkers and, of course, the fire department). Everyone in the parade is dressed in their all-american attire, waving their US flags and throwing handfuls of candy to the delight of all the children watching this lovable spectacle. The parade is followed by a BBQ picnic for the whole town, a greased pole climbing contest, 3-legged races, paddle boats and canoe rentals on the lake, family reunions, and much, much more! The evening is topped by a square dance held under the moonlight on the tennis courts - the whole town comes out and either dances or socializes - and it's undoubtedly my favorite event of the day! Lastly, if your kids are old enough, you can head 10 minutes to the next town over to watch a fireworks display over the water. 

It really is dinky but I wouldn't miss it for the world! I have such fond memories of coming up for this each year during my childhood... that I have dreamt about the day my kids would get to form their own happy memories surrounding this holiday in NC, too. This won't be their first year doing this but at 4 years old, I expect Paisley to take great delight and enjoyment in it all more than before.

Anyway, to celebrate this patriotic holiday, I've decided to make a list of all things american. Feel free to add other great american things I may have missed in the comment section:
The Grand Canyon
The Great Smokies
College Football
An old chevy truck
Cowboy boots
Stars & stripes
Marilyn Monroe
Apple Pie
Elvis Presley
Rock & Roll
Faded Jeans
State fairs
Big Red chewing gum
Hot dogs
Michael Jackson
Roller Coasters
Fried Chicken

Happy Fourth of July all!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More about Trisomy 18

Thank you for all of your kind thoughts and prayers for our baby girl (we will name her eventually, I promise!). It has meant so much to me to know that her health is being lifted up to the Lord by so many friends. I know that God hears every one of your prayers on her behalf and He above all can protect her and love her better than any of us can here on earth.

Several of you have asked for more information about Trisomy 18 so I'm including a few websites for you to check out if you'd like. 

I want to emphasize that our baby has not yet been diagnosed with Trisomy 18... the cysts that she has (and specifically the number of them) on her brain are just a red flag for this chromosomal defect. However, we are hanging onto the hope that since so far everything else looks okay, these are just what they call "isolated CPC's" (CPC being Choroid Plexus Cysts). This basically means they are there in the 2nd trimester but have no other purpose or significance. What we know for sure is that the cysts themselves will not harm the baby (no matter what) - they just may be an indicator of the Trisomy 18 defect.

Thank you also for praying for me and my anxiety. I am trying so hard to think positive and to not worry - because I know there is nothing I can do now anyway and God asks us to trust in Him and set our anxiety aside. My husband is much better at not worrying than I am - but I think that it is much harder to ask that of a mother (worrying is our thing, right?). In the meantime, I will try to focus on the following verse that a wonderful friend sent to me:

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7).

Friday, June 19, 2009

Will you pray for her?

I have been procrastinating this blog post for a while now. It seems I don't know where to start? I've tried to sit down and type this for a few weeks now... but my heart and my head have never seemed up for the task.
However, I'm feeling the need to put it out there now - to record my feelings so I'm not holding them inside anymore. This leaves me with only one option then - I guess I'll just start typing and see where my thoughts take me.

Let me start at the beginning: I am pregnant again. This will be our third child and I was thrilled to find out I was expecting. I always dreamed of a large family - my mom is one of four children and even though I know her childhood wasn't perfect by any means, somewhere along the way I developed this fantasy that having three brothers and sisters to share your life with would be perfect! I imagined my kids heading up the neighborhood game of flashlight tag, inviting their friends to spend the day at the lake with us, and playing board games together over holiday breaks from college. I can picture the laughter, the competitive spirit, the non-stop conversation and activity that having a large family brings - and it makes me smile. I thought that no matter what they disagreed on, they would always have someone else in their corner and that there would at least be one person they could turn to when the others were ticking them off.

That was my fantasy.
However, I married a man who was happy with only two kids - assuming God blessed us with one of each. Our first child was a girl and our second was a boy, and in Curtis' mind our lives were complete. I didn't feel complete. I felt this calling to be a mother to another child and was praying regularly for God's guidance on the topic. Of course, I wanted Curtis to be happy with having another. I had already given up on my dream of having four and was only hoping that I could convince him to have one more child - should that be God's will for us as parents.

We prayed about it for a month and Curtis, realizing how important it was to me, agreed to place it in God's hands and see what happened. We asked God that if it was His will for us to be parents again that He would bless us with another child, but if it was not His will, that He would prevent it. Well... without going into specifics - we found out we were pregnant and both felt completely secure that this was indeed God's will for our lives. And we were really excited!! We still are...

I am 35 and honestly didn't think much about that number or worry about what it meant. I mean women my age have healthy babies all of the time and I have been blessed with two already. I felt like it was just a number. That is until my 20 week ultrasound when I could tell the Doctor was concerned about something. I have to say that has to be one of the worst feelings in the world: when the Doctor is looking at the ultrasound, but not saying a word... and you sense that something isn't right but you are too afraid to ask. I have been blessed with two previous pregnancies that were both uneventful so I was expecting another clean bill of health.

When the Dr. finally turned to me to tell me what the results of my ultrasound, my heart felt like it was pounding inside my chest. He told me that what he was about to tell me would cause great anxiety inside of me, but could turn out to be nothing at all. He had my attention for sure now. He told me our baby girl has 4 cysts on her brain. They will not harm her in the womb, but they can be a sign of Trisomy 18 - a chromosomal disorder in which the baby has an extra 18th chromosome. You may have heard of Trisomy 21 - better known as Down's Syndrome. Down's Syndrome is actually the best of the Trisomy disorders... at least the baby can survive. With Trisomy 18, the baby will either be stillborn, or be born and only live 1-2 months (1 year at best). The prospects are bleak.

Now, keep in mind, my baby does not necessary have Trisomy 18 - the cysts are just a red flag that causes my doctors to take notice and puts me at high risk. I will go in for another ultrasound at week 28 (I'm 23 weeks now) and they'll look to see if any of the cysts have disappeared... my doctors are hopeful they will. The good news is that they have not found any major birth defects on the baby (as they can tell via ultrasound) yet, so it is possible she just has these cysts and that they are harmless. Of course, that is our prayer right now. Cysts are actually common in 3-4 % of all pregnancies and many turn out to be nothing, but the more cysts the baby has... the bigger a red flag. Four is NOT the number you want in this situation!

The scary part is that I won't truly know if she's healthy until she's born. The cysts going away in themselves (if they even do) doesn't ensure that she's healthy and the other signs they look for may or may not be obvious enough before she arrives for anyone to tell me 100% that she's fine. I could have an amniocentesis to know for sure but the risk of miscarriage concerns me and is too great for my comfort level so I'm not willing to take that chance. Therefore, I wait.

I ask that you all pray for my little girl. Pray that she is healthy. I do not have a name for her yet, as we just found out the sex a few weeks ago (at the same appointment that we found out about the cysts), and I've not been up to thinking about names. As I stated above, I truly believe she was a gift from God and that it was His will that placed her in our lives to begin with so I am trying so hard to trust in that and put all of the fears away. I know that fear comes from Satan and since there is absolutely nothing I can do to change things now... I need to stay positive and focus on my trust in God's will for my life. It just isn't always that easy to do.

I promise to keep you all informed as I continue along this journey over the next 4 months.