Saturday, December 20, 2008

Jingle the Elf

Meet Jingle. He is our "Elf On The Shelf".
If you don't know what an "Elf On The Shelf" is, let me explain. it is a Christmas tradition that many families celebrate and it includes a book and a stuffed elf that "flies" in from the North Pole around Thanksgiving and keeps an eye on your kids for Santa until Christmas Eve. He is magic, you see: Santa's little helper. The elf reports back to Santa if the kids have been good or bad... and he's always watching them (no matter where they go). Each night he flies to the North Pole to give his report to Santa and the next morning, he always appears in a different place in the house (with some parental help).

Paisley loves the adventure of finding Jingle Jolly Red, as she named him ("Jingle" for short). She has been very diligent in following the rules in the book, which include not touching the elf lest you ruin his "magic." But, boy is she tempted. She always ask us to lift her up so she can get a really close look at him. Neither Paisley nor Colby have gotten close enough to touch him yet. It helps a little that Jingle seems to pick high places to hang out each day so he's not in easy reach of little hands. Colby would definitely break Jingle's rules - given direct access.

Anyway, it is a really fun tradition that brings great joy to the whole family. If you don't have this tradition in your house and you have little children, I highly recommend getting one for next year. Go to to order one or find out more information. 

I sincerely hope your elf brings your family as much joy as our little Jingle continually brings us!


Shannon said...

I think "Jingle" is a cute name... Carter named ours "Elfert"... girls get more creative i do believe, haa!

leigh ann said...

I don't know if I've ever told you how much my kids love this tradition you started for us a few years ago. They LOVE getting up and finding him first thing in the morning. Thanks for the fun. :)