Thursday, January 29, 2009

Which came first - the babygirl or the egg?

Same old question - just substitute the word "chicken" with the word "babygirl" and not much changes. However, when it comes to humans the answer is a little more miraculous and fascinating.  Most people have probably never even thought about this question - certainly most men haven't. I would even guess that among women the number who have considered it is on the smaller side as well. However, in my opinion, this ranks up there as one of the most amazing realities of our female biology. It is so clear that God developed us with a future and a plan in place. And the future actually depends on the present which relies on the past - all in the same moment. If you still are not following me, read on...

As women, we are all born with 2 million eggs in our ovaries. Pretty amazing huh? That number is dwindled down to 300,000 by the time we hit puberty and only 400 eggs will actually be released during a woman's entire reproductive life. What's even more fascinating is that we have the most eggs we'll ever have before we are even born. That's right! Inside our mother's womb, a female baby has 6-7 million eggs in her ovaries. Isn't that incredible? I had the eggs that produced Paisley and Colby when I was inside my mom's belly. And my mom had the eggs that would later produce me and my brother when she was inside of her mom. Paisley has already created her her future offspring (should she decide to have some) and hopefully several of them will be fertilized one day (a long, long, long time from now) and that will be my grandchildren... and even though that seems so far away now, it's incredible to think that the building blocks (so to speak) were created before Paisley even took her first breath. 

Imagine that? Paisley was formed by my egg which had been formed while my body was still forming inside my mom's body. And while my body was forming Paisley - she was forming her future children - and all of this depended on my eggs that were formed 32 years prior before I was even born. There really is no disputing God's plan for us or the circle of life. It's very, very cool.

1 comment:

Franz said...

Is this Curtis? Who the hell is Lisa girl? Don't you remember me from the Three Legged Cowboy Bar? You said you were out?
